This program has been developed to empower you with the knowledge and research on how nutrition and lifestyle strategies can significantly improve and even resolve depression and anxiety. It can help you make informed decisions about your mental health and implement approaches and strategies that have been proven to be effective in addressing mood issues.
It is also an opportunity to learn about underlying root causes of your depression and possibly identify factors or health issues that may be the reason or a contributing factor to your mood that has not been addressed so that alternate methods to address the health condition may be the better approach to addressing your mood.
This program will also help to identify key foods and nutrients that can help boost mood and foods that compromise it as well as key supplements, herbs and amino acids that maybe a missing link to your mental health treatment.
There are 5 modules with 4-5 education sessions in each one. There is action plan after each session to summarise the steps that you can take as well as questionnaires to help you understand what you could be missing.
Your Instructor
Born and raised in New Zealand I grew up playing a variety of sports, living an active and fulfilled life.
I graduated as an occupational therapist in NZ and then shortly after moved to London, England where I worked as an occupational therapist at various rehabilitation facilities and hospitals. It was this time that I fell in love with travelling. After 2 and a half years in London I returned to NZ for a year but still had the travel bug and was fortunate enough to get a working visa for Canada.
After arriving in Toronto I worked as a OT with individuals that were involved in motor vehicle accidents many of which struggled with anxiety and depression. My love for science and food I did my training and became a nutritionist. My passion grew for nutrition and brain health - working with individuals with traumatic brain injury and concussion but also with mental health.
Over time I became acutely aware of the significant number of people who were struggling with depression and anxiety - family members, friends, parents from school, work colleagues, and my clients. A number of my friends teenage daughter's were on antidepressants, friends from high school were committing suicide and when covid and lockdowns hit mental health became an all time high. Something had to be done! People shouldn't need to suffer like this and there is so much we can do to support our mood. Depression and anxiety is an invisible disease and can be so disabling. It impacts our relationships, our ability to engage in our day to day activities as well as get joy and happiness out of the simple pleasures in life.
I want to empower people with the knowledge and insight to help them take control of there mental health and reclaim their happiness so they can live the best version of themselves and enjoy all the wonderful things that life has to offer.